15 July 2010


Hey friends! I would really love to invest in a new camera. I have some big ideas for this blog and my Etsy shop and would like a really nice camera that I can take with me everywhere. After quite a few hours of researching, I had a light bulb moment! I am inspired daily by all of the lovely things my blogging buddies post- so, why not ask you folks?

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions as far as a specific camera or things to look for? What kind of camera do you use? Thanks for your help!



  1. I'm a canon girl. I use a DSLR, the Rebel XT.
    There are tons of new versions of the Rebel, and even ones with HD video. but if you don't want to spend too much, and are looking for a camera that will be relevant for a while, the Rebel XT is a good choice. if you want to splurge, go for the newest! they are super amazing

  2. the canon powershot g11 is great! it takes really great photos, and is super portable! it is basically like an slr without changeable lenses. i dont have one but my sister does and she loves it! (i adore your blog by the way)

  3. Thanks ladies! You are so helpful. My photographer friend suggested the g11 as well. Do you guys know anything about the Olympus pen?

    Oh and thanks Jane!!

  4. Ashley,
    I'm also hear great things about the G11 and totally want one of my own.

    Right now I shoot with a Canon Powershot, and a Sony A-100k DSLR that I bought in 2007. I'm hoping to buy a new DSLR in the future, but will for sure be going with a Canon!

    Good luck in your hunt!


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