I wanted to share with y'all some of my personal heroes. These folks are all amazing and inspiring. I hope they get you jazzed for your day!
Faythe Levine is the producer and director of my very favorite documentary Handmade Nation. She is working on a new documentary about American sign painters which will surely be amazing.
Rob Kalin is the founder and CEO of Etsy.com. "In June of 2005 while living alone in a wood shop and wanting some company, I came upon the idea of Etsy, and then the name, and then the design. I was twenty five years old with three cats." It's so inspiring to see someone so young doing such unbelievable things.
Ira Glass, the totally attractive and brilliant host of This American Life, began working in public radio as an intern some 30 years ago. Look at him now.
Jenny Hart is a writer, artist, and the founder of Sublime Stitching. She makes some of the most unbelievable pieces you will ever see. She has revolutionized the art of hand embroidery.

I just really like this show : )
Who are your heroes??
OMG LOOK AT JENNY HART'S HAIR! Is that all hers?!