Hello! How was your weekend? Mine was busy but good. I seriously loved the clouds this weekend! Clouds are my favorite!
I moved on Saturday into my cute and tiny house. After work on Sunday I frittered away my day unpacking, rearranging, and decorating. With such a small space I gotta be smart with my decorating; it's hard to fit all my goodies and nicknacks! I have been looking all over the There's No Place Like Here and Flea Market Style flickr groups and, of course, on Apartment Therapy for inspiration and boy, did I find it! Now I have a billion more projects and ideas.

Speaking of, how do you all get everything done? It's like I always have so many ideas but have a hard time checking them off my list. I know, for sure, that I need to begin scheduling time in each day for my creative pursuits. Any pointers to help these ideas to materialize? Perhaps I should tell you about some of my ideas so y'all can keep my on track!
I have to make a physical to-do list, and tackle the easiest things first. It's the only way I EVER get things done!! Making it look extra pretty helps too, and especially if I'm using cute stationery and cute marker pens :) :)