26 May 2011

One of my most favorite feelings in the whole world

One of my most favorite feelings in the whole world is getting my hair cut. I love:
feeling the weight come off (I've got quite a bit of hair)
how something so small can make you feel renewed
the feeling of someone else playing with your hair. It's the best.

When I was in high school I had different hair with each visit. I got bored easily. Now-a-days, I am always yearning to change it up but I never do. First of all, it took like, a really long time to go back to blonde and grow it out. I had been thinking about doing a coppery ginger color. The problem- my roots are so light that when my hairs begins to grow out I look like my hair is thinning. Not to mention the upkeep necessary to make sure I don't look like I'm balding would be torture (on my wallet at least). I'm stuck.

Here are some pretty hairdos I love love love. (Confession: I'm a hoarder. I stockpile pictures of pretty/inspiring things on my computer. So these have all been collected and I don't know where I got them from. If you know, holler at me so I can credit.) Thoughts? Suggestions?

 Color : Fringe-less (Grow out my bangs perhaps?)



Victoria Legrand of Beach House : Her hair is magical. I'd kill for her hair.

Color : Fringe

Love! : Asymetrical fringe


Face framing fringe : Color

Messy and adorbs.


I'll prob stick to Michelle William's look in Blue Valentine- ya know, still long and blonde, just change up the styling a bit. I think I wanna grow it loooongerrrrr. Whatch me start nommin prenatal vitamins. (Does that even work?). Input would be appreciated : )


  1. Hello!

    Its actually really dangerous to take prenatal vitamins if you aren't pregnant, because of the high levels of iron, that are made for two people, not one :)
    If you want the same effect, take a good multi vitamin with iron in :) Eat healthy and massage your scalp. Also only wash your hair every other day, drying it out slows down growth :)

    Love the hair styles!


  2. Thank you Sophie! I actually can't take multivitamins. Somehow they ALWAYS make me throw up. Even if I eat a big meal with them. Yuck! Looks like I better get to massagin : )

  3. Damn, they make me feel a bit sick too! Do you like apricots? Because they apparently they are really good too! Iron tablets are really good (maybe a bit sick making too?)
    I really want long hair with a messy fringe, but slightly ombre colours, so blondey at the bottom :)


  4. I've always looooved your hair. I think it's the best hair ever. Anything would look cute on you!


Hi! I love you!