13 May 2011

Playlists and Shop Visits

Guess who came to visit me yesterday at the shop?

My BFF Andrea.

My Buddy Danielle.

And baby Henry.

What an awesome surprise. Totally made my day : )

Now here's a playlist (for reals. working this time. or ill kill someone) for you to enjoy.

What do you have planned for the weekend? I'm gonna go see this after work.

Tomorrow I'm going to help my buds Andrea and Jesse move then go help my pretty lil sis get ready for PROM! She's such a babe. I'll take lots of pics to share with you. Sunday is OF MONTREAL. Woo! My goal is to dance so hard I'm sore for a week. I'm gonna dance my ass off.

1 comment:

  1. No way! I'm suuuper jealous. I wanna meet that adorable bebeh :)


Hi! I love you!