26 January 2011

30 Things That Need to Stage a Comeback

I love Lesley M. M. Blume's 30 Things That Need to Stage a Comeback, Pronto! Here are four I can surely get behind. Pronto is right. Let's get to it, friends!

Record Players = Duh

Manners = Yes Please!

Lockets = Of course

Picnics = My Fave. Take me on a picnic and I'll be yours forever.
1, 2, 3, 4

Check out the other 26 things that need to stage a comeback here. I'm totally on board for all of them.

1 comment:

  1. I have an old record player! People always ask me about it, because I like to have a record on when our guests arrive :) hand me down and thrifted records of course.


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