16 November 2012

Love and other junk

Today is me and the mister's 10 month anniversary. I've never been the pda type, never gave a thought to stupid monthly anniversaries, and definitely never been the type to post this kinda junk on my blog. But hey, they say you know it's meant to be when you break all the rules right?

Our first anniversary was just after Valentines day which is why we tend to remember. And our two month anniversary was a big deal because, when we previously dated, we hardly made it to two months. And our three month anniversary was huge because we not only made it to two months, we surpassed it. I didn't expect it to last even that long. So romantic huh?

As a very independent person, I had a hard time even agreeing to get back together with Trevor.  It's kinda silly but I didn't exactly want to share my time and I wasn't looking to be in a relationship. I had a lot of things going on and felt like a relationship would only take time away from all the things I was trying to do. But that's what's magical about it all. We had built a strong friendship since our previous dating attempt and came to know each other for the good and the bad- and Trevor loved me for that and supported my need for independence.  And, surprisingly, I was the one to sacrifice my independence. Not because he asked or anything but because he made me want to open up and share my life with him. And there you have it. We've been being stupid and having fun together ever since.

Anyways, blah blah. Love you Trev <3

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